Topic outline
Before you start
These quizzes are a study tool. Most of the questions came from past exam papers. Some questions were created to guide you through the process of figuring out how to do the more complicated ones. I recommend 5 weeks of preparation for this assessment. The content is broken into weeks purely to help you pace yourself. Don't leave it all to the last minute. There is a lot of stuff here. If you wish to comment on anything in this course or bring a problem to my attention please send an email to
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This checklist is used by most NSW TAFE colleges to keep track of the progress of students attempting capstone.
Most NSW TAFE colleges use this application for for students who want to attempt capstone
To sit capstone you will require a letter from your employer that states the type of work that you did and when you started your apprenticeship. This is an example of the sort of thing you might need.
Week 1
This quiz is made up of mistakes made by a lot of apprentices and tradesmen. If you don't understand this you will not be able to fault find.
Week 5